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CrossFit Dom City

Since May 2023, we have been offering Functional CrossFit classes, a brand-new concept in Utrecht. The last few years we noticed that more members were enjoying our conditioning classes, which feature longer endurance workouts and non-technical movements, but lack a strength part. While a part of our members like to work on more advanced movements/gymnastics during our regular CrossFit classes, we also see a large group of members that want to come in twice a week, sweat, become fitter for their everyday life and be done within 60 minutes and not spend a lot of time on improving technique or working on movements that feel like out of reach.

Together with the fact that Dom City wants to increase the amount of fit people in Utrecht, we decided to introduce a new concept, including a very competitive price. We introduced Functional CrossFit in Utrecht.

At our new location at Kanaalweg 29c in Utrecht, we have over 500 m² dedicated to Functional CrossFit. This new program includes all classic CrossFit movements without a barbell. In every work out of the day there is a strength part with for example kettlebells, dumbbells, or heavy D-balls and a conditioning piece. We emphasize intensity, strength, and endurance, helping members achieve peak physical condition and preparing them for any challenge life throws their way!

What is the difference between Classic CrossFit and Functional CrossFit?

In our Functional CrossFit classes, although we don’t use barbells, the setup of the workouts closely resembles our Classic CrossFit sessions. Even without barbells, the strength component can be demanding enough, especially with larger sets and heavy kettlebells & dumbbells for those who seek intensity. The cardio aspect is extended since we don’t need to allocate time for explaining technical movements. This format allows for a more streamlined and continuous workout experience.

Example Classic CrossFit

Strength | Build up to a heavy set Squat Cleans

Metcon | For time


Handstand Push ups

Hang squat cleans

Example Functional CrossFit

Strength | 4 x 10 reps, Double DB front squats

Metcon | 5 sets with a buddy

3:00 on, 1:00 off

10 Kipping leg raises

10 Slamball squats

For who is Functional CrossFit?

Are you looking to become fitter? Than Functional CrossFIt might be something for you! Whether you’re an experienced CrossFitter or someone who hasn’t trained in years, our community is perfect for you. Our dedicated CrossFit members regularly join workouts for their intensity, often combining them with other classes like Classic CrossFit and Strength.

If you’re just starting out or haven’t felt fit in a while, don’t worry! Our entry level is accessible due to the absence of highly technical movements, and our coaches scale all workouts to meet your needs. With around 20 new members joining every month, you’ll find a supportive and inclusive environment where all fitness levels participate in the same classes. We believe that regardless of your age, fitness level, background, or injuries, you can join our classes and become the fittest version of yourself.

We offer a unique Functional CrossFit membership, making CrossFit more accessible to a broader audience. For just 65 euros per 4 weeks, you can attend 2 classes a week. So, what’s stopping you from booking a trial class this week? We can’t wait to see you in our classes!



Monday 07:00 – 21:30
Tuesday 06:00 – 21:30
Wednesday 06:30 – 21:30
Thursday 06:00 – 21:30
Friday 07:00 – 21:30
Saturday 08:00 – 14:00
Sunday 09:00 – 13:30


Dom City | Overste den Oudenlaan 9 (at parking lot Adrem)

Dom City Kanaalweg | Kanaalweg 29c
