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Functional CrossFit

Fit for life

During a Functional CrossFit class at our second location Kanaalweg you will train all our classic CrossFit movements without a barbell. It makes this functional training more focused on intensity, strength and endurance. Instead of spending a lot of time on technical drills, we have more time to move more during a one hour class. Functional CrossFit will make you ”fit for life” and has a longevity goal. We’ve taken out the technical movements like squats snatches or 1RM lifts.
Our Functional CrossFit classes are about getting fit for your every day life. We take out the (for a lot of members) frustrating movements and focus on getting stronger and fitter. And if you only want to join our Functional CrossFit classes, we have a very interesting membership that starts at only 65,- per 4 weeks.
Functional CrossFit & HYROX
  • Billed per 4 weeks

    Functional CrossFit & HYROX

  • 70,-
  • Join two classes a week
Functional CrossFit & HYROX
  • Billed per 4 weeks

    Functional CrossFit & HYROX

  • 80,-
  • Join three classes a week
Functional CrossFit & HYROX
  • Billed per 4 weeks

    Functional CrossFit & HYROX

  • 90,-
  • Join six classes a week

What to expect from a Functional CrossFit class?

Less technical, but the same results

You will train all the classic CrossFit movements without a barbell. It makes this functional training more focused on intensity, strength and endurance. Instead of spending a lot of time on technical drills, we have more time to move more during a one hour class.

The Functional CrossFit class is open for all levels. Wether you’re an beginner or didn’t work out for years, or you are already fit, this class challenges you. You can expect (heavy) dumbbells and kettlebells, sled work, cardio and gymnastics. Let’s get fit!



Monday 07:00 – 21:30
Tuesday 06:00 – 21:30
Wednesday 06:30 – 21:30
Thursday 06:00 – 21:30
Friday 07:00 – 21:30
Saturday 08:00 – 14:00
Sunday 09:00 – 13:30


Dom City | Overste den Oudenlaan 9 (at parking lot Adrem)

Dom City Kanaalweg | Kanaalweg 29c
